Montag, 23. April 2012

i started with an tiny voxelization process, which allows either to use animated models.

voxelization algorithmus either for animated models on gpu 2012 dirk hochegger

highly easy!

1. slice the models in liked amount of slices
2. get the close point (center of the bound of  your slice)
3. check for any anomalies at your faces. example: the huge faces and so on

of course you are in need of the polygon model while you doing the voxelization which costs a bit of performance. so you flood all the time on the fly, your model with voxels and thats the good thing ;) so you are able to handle either animated models with that procedere.

stay tuned...

my next steps will be:

- bringing the engine onto a solid state
- metameshes (for melting models together and so on)
- joint matrices animated models
- and starting to develop on the fucking crazy manic shooter i do have in mind. ;) and it will be a kickass game, as long it comes to 30% close to my imagination it will be ;) :D

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